Glossary Of Terms

Perimeter Alarm - Within a Self Storage Facility, this term normally applies to a commercially monitored alarma system that can be, or is, connected to a Police Department.  Typically a perimeter alarm is comprised of an Alarm Panel and a series of Irfra-Red Beam System.  A more detailed explanation in Wikipedia
Shunt - The act of "shorting" a connection.  A more detailed explanation in Wikipedia\
Anti Pass-Back
Anti Pass-In
Is Monitored
Fire Relay
Fire Relay on Comm Loss
Master Exit
Interior Entry
Interior Exit
Floor Numbering
Floor Name
Floor Number
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
PIN Integer with a maximum value of:
Access PIN/Gate code Length - The access code/PIN is limited to 1 10 digit number less than or equal to
2,147,483,647. Tthe code is NOT a series of characters (numbers in this case) but rather a 4 byte Integer
64 Bit PINs available beginning with certain versions of Axcys Facility Security Management System that use ExclypX Keypad models purchased after December 2014, PIN lengths of 18 digits and/or up to 20 Alpha Numeric codes may be used. 
Access PIN/Gate code Leading Zeros (0) - The access code/PIN is a 4 byte Integer. Leading zeros are
automatically dropped since they do not alter the integer value. A code of 0100 is the same as 100.
Each tenant must have only one Access PIN/Gate code. If necessary to provide a different code for each
unit, the tenant name must be slightly different - using a middle initial, or other discerning character (Jr,
Sr, I, etc). This limitation has been removed in Axcys Facility Security Management product which is soon
to be released.
For an access request to be granted, the following must exist.
a) A valid PIN
b) Tenant not locked out
c) Request be made within approved hours
d) a valid unit must be assigned to the tenants account
Gate Code
Access Code
Account - An account is a person or a company that signs a rental contract to become a tenant at your facility.  In Axcys a single account may have multiple units rented.
Software - The application program that runs on your computer.
Hardware - The electronic products that control and monitor your facility.  Such as the gate controller (Access Controller) or the multiplexers that monitor the activity of the units' doors.
Gate Controller - The electronic control unit that has a keypad.  Is used to actuate the gate, or door or elevator.   Synonyms: Access Controller,  Keypad and other names depending on brand.
Keypad - The electronic control unit that has a keypad.  Is used to actuate the gate, or door or elevator.  
Synonyms: Access Controller, Gate Controller and other names depending on brand.
Receiver - This electronic unit that is set up as a remote in Axcys.  It receives signals from the MSTC wireless multiplexer alarm unit.
Alarm Unit - The electronic system that monitor unit doors and notifies Axcys when a change of state occurs (door open or close). This can be a Multiplexer or single door alarm unit.
Multiplexer - This electronic unit monitors a qty of channels.  Each channel is normally connected to unit door.  Mulitplexers are available in 16 channel increments.  MSTC Mux Box has a maximum of 16 channels for each Muxbox.  Axcys' Proxitrol multiplexers are available with up to 144.
Single Door Alarm -  This is a wireless electronic device designed to monitor one set of door contacts.  Can be used to provide security for vehicles, RV's boats etc.
Wireless Contact - This is a wireless electronic device designed to monitor one Unit Door.  That door may be roll up, swing or man door. 
Wirelss Controller -
Wireless Repeater -
Access Controller - The electronic control unit that has a keypad.  Is used to actuate the gate, or door or elevator.   Synonyms: Keypad, Gate Controller and other names depending on brand.
Live Update - The ability to search the Global Electronics internet site for upgrades and service packs for your Axcys software. Upgrades and service packs are FREE to licensed users.
Synonyms: Auto Update
Auto Update - The ability to search the Global Electronics internet site for upgrades and service packs for your Axcys software. Upgrades and service packs are FREE to licensed users.
Synonyms:  Live Update
Base Address - The base address is the address given to the Multiplexer.  Each Mux channel then becomes an additional address.  For example.  Base address 105560 becomes 105560 (channel zero) 1055661 (channel 1) 1055662 (channel2) etc.
Other Stuff:
Selected Rows turn Blue.
PSQL - Pervasive SQL
Pervasive - Data base manager.  Provides data to and from the data base files.
PC or Computer  reference the big computer with a screen in front of you
that used to run the gate software.  This does NOT have anything to do
with the keypad or alarms other than to rent to tenants and take money.
Controller  This is the new square box. It does all the work with
regard to running the keypads and alarms.
EclypX Access Control Keypad
Keypad - device that is used for a person to enter their code.  This
system determines if the tenant should be let in.  If they are allowed
in, the keypad will close its relay for about 5 seconds (depending on
Gate Operators are not supplied by Global
Gate Operator - The thing that opens the gate.  This is responsible to
open and close the gate. There are a number of inputs to it including
safety equipment.  Safety equipment will cause the gate to reverse and
re-open, stay open or stop.  The amount of time the gate is open, the
speed that it moves to open/close are all controlled by the gate operator.
Remote - A remote is defined as *any* device that is external from the Controller or PC that is controlling all of the 'remote' devices.  Remotes may be either wired or wireless.