Programming Remotes

In every case, each remote, either wired or wireless has a unique address.  The address may be made up of several elements including the Addres, Slot, Channel, Zone, Device Type etc.  In most cases, effort should be made NOT to duplicate the Address of any remote, only to simplify the configuration of the system on site. 
Address Zero (0) is NEVER used.  In many cases devices listen to Address Zero and will act on commands sent to Address Zero.  In this way it is possible to command all devices to perform some function.  Care MUST be exercised when doing this since it can be very diffucult to reverse certain actions.  For example, using Address Zero to change an Address, will change ALL devices that hear the command to also change their addresses.   So if you have 5 keypads, Addresses 1- 5, ALL will change to the new Address.  Similarly for Wireless Contacts.  If a command is sent to Address Zero to change to some new Address, ALL of the Wireless Contacts will also change!