Communication Technologies

The defualt communcation medium is RS485. Globals design includes additional safety components, called ISO-485, optically isolates the RS485 communication from the rest of the world.  This, while demanding additional components, and cost, provides the system with a substantially higher degree of security, data transmission integrity and overall, a substantial increase in the quality of our products over that of Globals competitors.
There are 3 main communication choices.  The default is RS485. In most all new construction, or retrofit cases, RS485 will be the chosen communication medium.  The other options are 1200 Baud Modem or Wireless. In most cases, the best communication technology RS485.  In lesser cases 1200 Baud Modem will be used and finally wireless technology.   The choice of this communication medium, which is *only* between the Mux device and the Controlling Device is dictated solely by the existing infrastructure, and the topograpraphy of the location. 
1200 Baud Modem is chosen only when existing antiquated/legacy MSTC equipment is currently in use at the facility and the  new Mux must co-exist with the legacy products.  Thankfully, the Axcys Software and the supporting electronics has been designed to be tolerant of these needs.  Thus, allowing a facility owner to grow their facility by adding alarmed units or update existing infrastructure when older equipment fails.