Power Architecture

1.  The illustration below is of Power Distribution Architecture. 
2.  This is only a sample. Many different and unique archectures may be used depending on the needs of the project.
3.  Contact Global for engineering and planning assistance.
4.  The diagram below utilizes an Intelligent Power Supply by Global Electronics.  Other power source choices are             available, and are similar in architecture.
5.  Intelligent Power Supply (IPS) is a *special case*.  These are special since they provide Bi-Directional Control of Power and therefore the system(s).  They are controllable by Axcys Software, are battery backed and should be broken down into the various Power "Zones" they offer.  This should be considered and included when writing the Lock List Excel import file.  These Power Zones allows indenpendant control over devices powered within these zones.  ie power for Zone x may be turned on or off for a given period of time, as required.
Power Architecture