
Access Codes/PIN

Access codes (PIN):
All codes start with the * key and end with a # key. 
A code (PIN) number is an integer value.  That is, a whole number.  In our case, the code size can be any value greater than zero (0) and less than   2,147,483,647.
There is no restriction on how many digits, other than stated above.
NRC Codes Vs. Tenant Codes:
It is a good idea to use different length codes for NRC and Tenants.  This will help prevent unintended duplication.  If all Tenants have 8 digit code, then make the NRC's have 6 digit.  If all Tenants have 6 digits, make NRC's have 8.
Length of Code:
The longer the code, the harder to randomly guess the code.  However, too long of a code can be difficult for some people.  Please judge the code length by your local demographics, and individual preferences.